Uczniowie klasy I gimnazjum zmierzyli się z limerykami w wersji anglojęzycznej. Oto, co udało się im wykreować:
The girl hasn’t got a dad
And her days are always bad
She’s got a big foot
And a cheap boot
And she is never sad.
Lara has got three cats
And she loves her rats.
She lives in the house
With a small house
And she’s even got pink bats.
Paul likes dancing in the rain
And he comes from Spain.
He’s got wet eyes
When he cries
He has got very small brain.
This is a young boy called Billy.
His friends say he’s silly.
He likes reading books
And he always cooks
And later he eats chilli.
by Dawid Kosmala
There is a very long and busy snake.
It can swim in big, deep lakes.
The snake has got a cap
And it early gets up
Always this cap with him he takes.
There’s a young, very crazy cook
Who tells the guests: “Elephant, look!”
He cooks only potatoes,
And he has at home cows
He likes reading one book.
There are two plump dogs.
Their best friend is a fox
That bought the ball.
The ball is very small.
They have at home three frogs.
There is a small, happy boy.
He’s got a very big toy.
He gets a toy car.
The boy’s car is on the bar.
And he feels joy.
by Daria Kozak
There is a long, green snake.
He’s called Jake and he lives in a lake.
Jake’s got very big eyes
And he doesn’t like mice
But he loves a cheese cake.
There is a pretty girl, Rose.
Rose has got small toes.
She loves her dog
That doesn’t like fog
And has got a very big nose.
There is a nice boy, Roy.
He’s got a brother – Bob.
They love their dad
‘cause he’s got a small cat.
There is a handsome boy, Rob.
But hasn’t got a good job.
So, he lives with his dad.
And has got a big, silly cat.
Cat’s name’s Bob.
by Justyna Łuszczyńska
There is an animal called Seven
He wants to be a handsome man.
He’s got a nice voice
But he makes a horrible noise
And he’s afraid of heaven
There is a green creature called Grinch.
In his house stands a big winch.
He spends his life in bed
Calling people and saying “You’re red”
Then feels like lead-pipe cinch.
There is a singer from street Main.
She also sings together with Sven.
Their songs are great.
You can listen them on break
Like in Poland every man.
There is a boy called Mike.
His hobby is riding a bike.
He can ride about 10 kilometres-
A lot of metres
And he will win a ride.
There is a young girl, she’s called Emily.
She often visits her family.
On her face is always smile.
Cause she’s got a pretty nail.
And she’s from Sicily.
There is a Mickey mouse
Who loves so much Santa Claus.
But he never remembers
To leave cookies in December
And he always forgets to clean his house.
By Oliwia Chlad